Women in Technology- Empowering Ladies.
The correlation between gender and Technology is not only complex but also requires the understanding of the fact that women are generally few in this sector. This has led to policies that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the field.
According to Carolyne Puygrenier, Intexions director of strategy in business development and connectivity, urges women in the field of Technology to involve men in such discussions regarding the need to elevate women in Technology.
This study is based on the challenges that women are facing in the field of technology and the ways that inspire women in this sector, after an interview with different great women from Brainverse Technologies, a company that is exclusively not gender-biased in recruiting its staff.
Below are some of the challenges they have experienced in tech and ways that helped them conquer the challenges.
According to Tina Nanzala, Design lead, she says that it is quite disturbing that male domination has been a factor in the technological sector in the past decades.
The turnout at events such as Hackathons, Innovation seminars, webinars is projected to an incline inequality ratio.
It is also on record that this field is highly populated by men than females which is true.
Imposter Syndrome
According to Felly Nzuve, Embedded System Developer, she states that imposter syndrome is an epidemic, a disease that affects human beings and reduces the level of confidence in one’s self which quite disturbed her.
Many other women are also being affected by this syndrome and never speak out, as whenever you are in a hackathons’ events, there’s that fear of not presenting your code since the majority which is men have the voice.
The rapid change in Technology
Tina Nanzala also states that change is said to be the only constant thing on earth. Dynamic technological advancement is on the rise today as programming languages keep on evolving day by day.
It becomes quite challenging for some women in this sector once they return from maternity leave, which is more than 3 months to catch up with the updates. Thus hindering their performances at work and losing chances of promotions to higher positions.
Family factor
The fact that, there is need for a work life balance is undisputed as women have to attend to their family obligations.
Some women find it difficult to balance the house chores and also work. Tina recognizes this fact as a challenge to many women in Technology.
Understanding the working tools
According to Sheilah Karuga, Corporate Communications & Partnerships Specialist in Business Support, her main challenge was to learn how to work remotely using platforms like Microsoft Teams and Startup Suite App by Brainverse Technologies.

It took her a bit of time to familiarise herself with the platforms, given that they are the key systems used in her daily operations at work which include: clocking in and out, updating tasks and indicating their progress, holding meetings, applying for expenses, and leave days, among other functions.
Technology being wide
According to Evelyne Kaberere, Product Development & Support Lead, states that the technological sector covers a wider scope, she felt like giving up at an entry-level for not being able to decide which path to follow in the vast area of Tech.
She indicates the fact that she had to work twice as hard to have a voice of her own in the industry.
Evaluation (Critique)
According to Ghadal Khalifa, Regional Director Microsoft Philanthropies MEA, “When we empower girls and women in ICT industry through greater access to skills and training, we not only unlock innovations but also economic opportunities” this is a clear indication that the world is taking a center stage to empower women in Tech.
Recently my little sister who is at the high school level was at the stage of selecting subjects that indicate a career path for her. I tried to encourage her to choose a computer subject but it was in vain.
Thus every woman has a personal goal which may not include a carrier in Technology.
Below are some outlined ways that will empower women to consider Technology as their career paths:
1. Mentorship programs/Podcasts
Studies have shown that as one begins a career path, mentoring is important in the motivation and increasing the required morale to achieve a certain goal. There are a different number of podcasts that have had a positive impact.
2. Stakeholders/Government initiatives
Out of 17 goals of The United Nations Sustainable Goals, the 5th goal stands for gender equality which will empower women and girls.
The commitment to achieve this goal by vision 2030 will assist in balancing the male-dominated engineering sector.
3. Role models
Having role models will progressively nature oneself to the desired objective. There are a couple of women who have succeeded in their endeavors and are standing upfront for women’s empowerment.
These include Michelle Obama(Former First Lady of United States), Oprah Winfrey(Talkshow Host), Juliana Rotich(Technologist), Judith Owigar(Founder of Akirachix), and many others.
4. Tech companies
Thumbs up! to the tech companies that have 100% gender inclusivity in their management boards. The importance of women in such roles is evident as the performances of such companies are outstanding.
According to statistics from Statista, Huge companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft have an average of 18% of women on the board.
Other ways include:
- Having friends who think positively.
- Attending Tech events and hackathons.
- Reading books and Blogs.
- Talk to experts in the field.
Even though several women have the potential, creativity, and are innovative they have found it to be extremely difficult to select clear Technological paths.
This, in part, has been contributed by a lack of empowerment making some women believe that the Technological sector is only for men.
However, empowering women would help to remove the old mentality that women are unable and therefore, encourage women that what a man can do a woman can do better.
The Brainverse community is upfront in empowering women since statistics state that there is total inclusivity of women in their employees.
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