Cyber Security- How Secure Is Your Apps
Cyber Security is a key concept in every person’s daily life. In the 21st century, there are lots of advancements in technology from mobile applications, to web-based platforms not forgetting IOT and data-centric applications.
Cyber Security Vulnerability
Most of the applications are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Like, a recent survey shows that some websites are still vulnerable to SQL injection – one of the vulnerabilities that are often encountered when developers do not perform proper input validation in their forms hence exposing their databases to direct SQL script queries by hackers.
When it comes to Cyber Security, not even the smallest applications should be spared because hackers are out there trying to access to our private data through the software that we use.

There are many programmers, developers, and companies today that can develop applications, but are they aware of the security needs of software development? If the software is not secured at the coding level, your company can spend lots of resources on security experts trying to resolve security issues that could be solved at the most basic stage of software development.
Choose wisely
Before you make a choice on who to contact for your next project you should ensure that they are aware of the security needs of software applications. Because it will be lots of pain and loss to you if you are going to wake up one day only to find out that your five years of hard work was just termed useless, by a hacker who illegally got authority over your application and miss handled it.
Most companies or individual developers will build an app for you then recommend that you get a qualified tester to test the other aspects of the software. This is right since no one is perfect but do you have the extra cost? Think again.
Brainverse Technologies
At Brainverse Technologies all software we build for our clients is security first because we understand the value of your investment. Our team consists of security experts and wonderful quality Assurance software testers so by contacting us with a project you get all these by default without going for an extra charge.
We live in a world where youths are very creative. And new vulnerabilities are discovered every single day and to coop with this advancement you need to partner with a continuously evolving company like Brainverse. That will guarantee the success and continuity of your investments in software that you use for your applications.
Make proper Decisions before you run into a loss. Contract Brainverse Technologies or partner via +254713396827 with us in your projects and be sure you will be secure and on top of the world enjoying great software.
Austine Gwa – Apps Developer
Brainverse Technologies